Pres. Jim Austin opened the Chapter 800 meeting at the H.A.W.K. hangar @ 10:25.
- Guests: Branden & Margaret Price, visiting from Chicago
- Treasurer Ken Hurt gave the chapter’s current Treasurer’s report: savings: $2526, and checking: $3055.
- Sec. Sterling Hurst read Minutes of the September meeting.
- All financial reports and minutes were approved as read.
- Randy Owen reported that the Ray Foundation balance is $5046. Ray Student Pilot William McGlochlin “first soloed” August 9th! Congratulations! He and Logan Boe have a goal to pass the FAA Written Exam within one month.
- Kaylee Montgomery volunteered to help produce an EAA800 newsletter. She has been offered her choice of 3 different academic scholarships and will travel with family to each before decision for college. Congratulations!
- Kaylee also will look into possible venues for an 800 Christmas Lunch, knowing all may not work out this year because of Covid.
- Sterling relayed Bruce Erickson’s message of the Pipestrel motor-glider situation, which looks like the best choice will be the one from California.
- Jerry Friedman, AI, reported John Rhodes has donated his Hunman X-Air LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) to HAWK Aviators.
- The EAA800 members discussed repair of runway cracks again with no immediate solution.
- Pres. Jim has entered EAA800 into the EAA Nat’l HQ drawing for a “T-I-G Welder”, an offer to all Chapters. We also discussed the idea of forming a “tool crib” for builders to use. Also, how to inventory, accounting and checkout system for sharing tools.
- Mark Nagoda, former Aspen Tower ATC, offered to give a presentation about years of Aspen tower experiences.
- Sterling is to order the EAA Calendars for both 800 and 1373, (our turn this year).
- Bill Marvel’s promotion of bi-monthly (or so) fly-in group to 20 various not-too- distant airports for breakfast / lunch socials. Sterling will relay Bill’s contact and email information to members.
- We made an impromptu cellphone video of our group, saying, “HI, KRISTA, WE MISS YOU! WISH YOU WELL”, which was sent to her at her college.
- Meeting was adjourned, 11:30, for always terrific lunch by Ken & Jeri Hurt.