Pres. Jim Austin opened the Chapter 800 meeting at the H.A.W.K. hangar @ 10:20.
- Treasurer Ken Hurt gave the chapter’s current Treasurer’s report: savings - $2526, and checking - $2942. There was $4,000 in and out from the Ray Foundation to HAWK Aviators. Note: Randy Owen, executor of the scholarship fund, reports balance of $6087 after expenses of aircraft, fuel and instructor fees. William McGlochlin is solo flying and preparing to take the FAA Private Written exam.
- Sec. Sterling Hurst read Minutes of the August 15th meeting. Treasurer reports and minutes
- Guests: Chantelle Bizer, Reini Grauer, Mia Langford, Jim Rozman, Jobana Rozman, Mateo Ortiz, John Ford, Palmer Meyers, Andrew and Ethan Massey, and “Sam” Akekaphop Kesavadhana(!).
- As for a planned Young Eagles Day, we have decided, due to the Covid 19, we will do YE flights as individual pilot and Young Eagle on their own schedule and not as a group this year.
- President Jim Austin suggested we come up with ideas for raising funds for future EAA800 AirVenture expeditions.
- Bryan Miller said his friend who teaches ‘radar’ at the FAA Air Academy in OKC could give our Chapter a presentation about FAA ATC, perhaps in the near future. Jim Austin said there are many EAA videos for our use from EAA National Headquarters. Also, we need written reports and photos of EAA800 successes for the Sport Aviation magazine.
- Bruce Erickson, CFI, reported talking to owner/sellers of two Pipestrel Virus motorgliders available in MI and CA, which would be far better and easier than shipping from Ireland or Slovenia. He said insurance costs, including flight instruction, would be about $5,000 annually. Sterling and Bruce told of flying his Virus recently over the Grand Mesa – a truly great flight!
- Tim Allen told of EAA Headquarters offer of a TIG Welder system to Chapters.
- Jim Austin closed the meeting at 11:00 am for the usual excellent lunch by Ken and Jeri Hurt.