Pres. Jim Austin opened the Chapter 800 meeting at the H.A.W.K. hangar @ 10:20.
- Sec. Sterling Hurst read Minutes of the July meeting.
- Congratulations by all was expressed to Krista Janke for earning her FAA Private Pilot Certificate! She will be leaving for college in about one week. William McGlochlin has just accomplished his First Solo flight as Student Pilot. He supplied a real nice shirt tail for commemoration.
- Treasurer Ken Hurt gave the chapter’s current Treasurer’s report: savings - $2525.67, and checking - $2611.43. There was $4,000 in and out from the Ray Foundation to HAWK Aviators, of which Randy Owen is the account executor. To date there is $3084 after fuel and instructor expenses. Now, after William’s solo flight, EAA800 will receive another $4,000 towards William’s pilot license. Both the minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved as given.
- Tim Allen reported about the expedition to Cheyenne to retrieve the Sonex airplane. This was donated to HAWK by Mr. Larry Johnston, retired PS teacher, age 87. Bruce Erickson and William flew the Cherokee to and from Skyview Airpark (WY05). Logan Boe also flew the family’s Cessna 172 , fulfilling the long solo cross-country flight requirement towards his pilot license.
- Bruce Erickson reported on several possible Pipestrel motor-gliders that may fit HAWK’s future requirements. Pat Wehling and others discussed the need for proper documentation and paperwork to register and license the Zenith 701 airplane project, which may be ready to fly next year.
- Ric Lynch, EAA1373, reported that late Ken Munger estate of Crawford has offered to donate a Wagaero Vagabond airplane to HAWK . Lynn French is the executor of the estate and contact person. Ric also reported that the late Graham Meyers estate will sell the Tailwind aircraft. The family would like to see it sell to a member(s) of either EAA800 or 1373.
- Lunchtime [Krista’s excellent taco bar & Hurts’ fresh peaches] was announced, donation bucket mentioned, 28 members and guests in attendance, and meeting adjourned at 10:55.