After two months of Covid 19 shutdown, Pres. Jim Austin opened the Chapter 800 meeting at
the H.A.W.K. hangar/classroom. VP Bryan Miller is back from AZ after completing his
Instrument Flight Instructor rating (CFII). Congratulations Bryan!!
- Sec. Sterling Hurst read Minutes of the February meeting and Ken Hurt gave the
chapter’s current Treasurer report: savings - $2525.48, and checking - $2774.43. Ken
also announced that HAWK member William McGlochlin’s mother Marcy, had donated
ground beef for the chapter’s use. Both reports were approved as given.
- Gone West: Graham Meyer, long-time member and Technical Advisor of chapters 800
and 1373; while test flying an airplane at Blake Field in Delta. A card for his family was
sent around. Chapter 1373 will let us know when a memorial service will be held – likely
in June or July at Blake Field.
- President Jim Austin passed around a list of webinars that might be used for programs
for meetings. He also suggested that the chapter might want to consider some chapter
gear, such as T-shirts. One member stated a preference for polo shirts. Jim also asked
for input from members on issues of concern to them. Some of those follow.
- Jerry Friedman is doing the Annual on the HAWK Cherokee and stated that it
will need work by next Annual.
- Pat Whelan stated that the EAA National website is not very searchable. He also
stated that the 701 he’s working on needs its records reconstructed.
- Bruce Erickson bought a Motor Glider and has it at GJT because he needs a
smoother runway for it, which led to ideas for filling the runway cracks at Mack
- Kim Neibauer pointed out the need for a tech advisor and recommended Jay
Scheevel. Kim also stated that since Ladd is no longer planning Fly-ins, we will
need to come up with a new HAWK fundraiser.
- Jay Scheevel suggested making and marketing lightweight chocks to fundraise.
- Randy Owen reported that chapter 800 had been accepted by “Ray Scholarship
Foundation” to recommend applicants for a $10,000 scholarship for flight lessons.
HAWK William McGlochlin meets the application requirements this year.
- Jim Austin impressed the group with the importance of watching your DENSITY
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 to HAWK Talk, beef burgers donated by Marci and prepared by
Ken & Jeri Hurt.
Next Ch 800 meeting will be Sat. at 10 on June 20 th , unless Colo. suffers a major outbreak!