Meeting began at 1032 hours with 19 people present.
Old business:
Bryan Miller in Deer Valley, AZ working on CFI certification. Many are ill with the Palisade Bug.
Treasurer Report:
- $2525.09 savings account
- $2772.13 checking account
- $5297.22 total
New business:
- Ken Hurt Quick Silver(tantum) is ready to go to Mack Airport!
- Kim Neibauer stepping down from Presidency of EAA 800 (any volunteers???)
- Christmas Dinner Shae Boe in charge Dec. 7 th or 14 th at Fiesta Guadalajara Time and date to be announced at a later date!
Officers for EAA800:
- President - ?
- Vice President Bryan Miller
- Treasurer Ken Hurt
- Secretary Sterling Hurst
- Young Eagles Michelle Hobbs
What is going on with HAWK Society?
- Suggestion to investigate Motor Gliders. Anybody can fly at age 14 or older!
- They are certified aircraft. Maybe an open door to fly cheaper and to insure?
- No medical requirement for pilots. Hours logged as flying hours for HAWK.
- It could be an accelerated process to flying, especially for kids.
- Bruce has volunteered to check into this possibility.
- Should be under the cover of HAWK Society.
- Hangar space would be available in the haybarn.
Who is building at this moment?
- Tim Allen Motor Glider with horizontal stabilizer and electric power of 50-60 horsepower
- Jim Austyn RV9 tail dragger in chunks but in process of building. Working on the firewall.
- Lowell P51 Mustang and Spitfire at Blake Field, Delta, Colorado gorgeous workmanship!
HAWK needs donations of good tools. HAWK has about 20 kids involved with 12 faithful participants. We
need more volunteers to help the kids!
Meeting adjourned with Wisconsin style brats for lunch.