Kim Neibauer called the meeting to order in the HAWK classroom at about 10:30 with 19 present.
- Treasurer Ken Hurt reported $25.01 in savings and $4729.15 in checking.
- April minutes were read and approved with the following changed:
- According to Ken Hurt, GJUTA’s donation amount was $1039.08 instead of the $1005 reported in the minutes.
- Chapter 800 ended up serving dinners as well as breakfast and lunch at the Fat Tire Jamboree (FTJ). The “Food Truck” dinners referred to in April’s minutes did not pan out. The Hurt’s stepped up and prepared dinners as well as lunch.
- FTJ report:
- Meals grossed $1853 and netted $1184 after food and supplies expenses. HAWK and Ch. 800 split the proceeds, earning $592 each.
- Donations amounted to $106 and Kim suggested they be given toward band costs.
- Kim noted that when he asked for donations for breakfast on Sunday, rather than stating a charge, the “take” was far greater!
- Several members noted that we needed improved security and safety procedures in place for the larger crowd.
- Shay Boe has arranged for the van repairs to be done for under $100 and Russel Franke will buy the parts.
- Jerry Friedman suggested having a schedule system for use of the Cherokee.
The meeting was adjourned for excellent brats and burgers and FTJ dessert! Thanks, Hurts.
Our next meeting will be June 15, 2019. We will tie down Oshkosh trip details.