Pres. Kim Niebauer called the meeting to order in the Hawk classroom at 10:35 AM! There were 19 members and guests present before the morning was over.
The March minutes were approved as read.
Treasurers report: savings - $25.015, and checking $4024.23. The report was approved.
Old Business: Bill Marvel of GJUTA (Grand Junction Users and Tenants Assoc.) which was formed to advocate for General Aviation at the time of the fence and gates installation at GJRA, attended our meeting and donated to both EAA 800 and H.A.W.K. $1,005, each, from the leftover funds when the organization recently disbanded.
New Business: The 5th Annual Fat Tire Jamboree will be Friday night through Sunday afternoon, May 10 – 12. Our chapter, with HAWK’s help, again will be providing ground control as well as preparing and serving breakfast and lunch meals for this event. Plans are for breakfast burritos for Sat. & Sun. and brats and burgers for Sat. lunch. Kim & Ladd said we plan a “food truck” type of meal for dinners. Ladd explained the mission of RAF (Recreational Aviation Foundation) is to help develop recreational airstrips on private and public lands and stated that they would be represented at FTJ as well as Air Venture 2019.
Air Venture 2019: Our contact is Charlie Becker at EAA Nat’l. Our chapter has reserved 2 sites limited to 3 tents and one vehicle per site. The committee will meet Tue, May 7. Shay Boe suggested a community service program to coordinate between HAWK and Russell Franke to fix the brakes on his van.
Future Events:
At 11:40 the meeting was adjourned and Ken & Jeri Hurt served burgers, brats and chips!
Next meeting will be May 18 th .
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