
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 Mar 2019

VP Bryan Miller called the meeting to order in the Hawk classroom well after our 10 AM start time! There were 22 members and guests present before the morning was over.

Guests were introduced:

Sterling read the minutes from the February meeting which were approved as read.

Ken Hurt gave the treasurers report: savings - $25.01, and checking $4311.52. Ken announced that the refrigerator which had been moved to the “barn” had unfortunately been reset to 1, which allowed many of our food supplies to be spoiled or questionable. They spent $82 restocking and moved the supplies into one of the classroom refrigerators. The treasurer’s report was approved.

New Business:
The Fat Tire Jamboree will be Fri night through Sunday afternoon, May 10 – 12. Our chapter again will be providing ground control as well as preparing and serving meals for this event. The following indicated on our attendance roster to help with meal planning, prep, serving & cleanup: Bryan Miller, Michelle and Braden Hobbs, Sterling & Nancy Hurst, Ken & Jeri Hurt, Krista Janke, and Gary Morris.

Oshkosh Air Venture will be July 22-28. 800’s Pres, Kim Neibauer has communicated that in order for us to rent a campsite, we need to have names and EAA #s for 2 adult members who will be going that will be responsible for the site. Bryan and Sterling volunteered.

There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned and the Hurts served burgers, brats and chips!

Next meeting will be April 20th.


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