
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 Nov 2016

The meeting was called to order at 10:17 on November 19, 2016, with Kim Neibauer presiding.

There were 19 members present. Jordan Lovelace, Zane Lovelace, Troy Ball and Cathy Ball were first time guests.

Treasurer’s report by Ken Hurt - $2113.76 checking, savings $25.01 was approved after a motion and second.

Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

Young Eagles Report: Jeri Hurt reported that we will need to purchase more rib materials before the next Young Eagles event.

New Business: Kim presented 2016 Chapter Service Award certificates and pins to officers and a Most Valuable Member certificate and pin to Eddie Clements.

Kim reported on the Copper State Fly In on October 27, 28, 29 at Falcon Field in Mesa AZ. He said there were about 225 planes, but he was disappointed there were no fly-bys. When asked, he modestly reported that his KR 2S was awarded best wood airplane.

Calendars for 2017 will be ordered along with the Delta chapter to get a better rate. Members indicated they would commit to purchasing 20.

Old Business: The question as to whether Chapter 800 can be a member of HAWK was tabled, pending more research.

An 11:30 time was set for our Christmas Lunch at El Tapatio, 402 Jurassic Ave, Fruita, on Saturday, December 10.

Dr. Don Coleman presented a program on Hypoxia, complete with diagrams. Hilites are:

Following the presentation, the meeting was adjourned for lunch and hangar talk.


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