
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
20 Aug 2016

President Kim Neibauer called our meeting to order about 10:35 AM in Ladd’s hangar at Mack Mesa Airport.
There were 24 regulars and 4 guests present. Guests were Craig Hampson, Gary Morris, Shay Boe and her son Logan.

Minutes: of the July meeting were approved as read with a motion and second by Bryan Miller and Ken Hurt.

Treasurer’s report: Ken Hurt reported a current balance of $1974.67 in checking and $25.03 in savings. After a motion and second, his report was approved as given.

Old Business:

New Business:

The business meeting was adjourned. Some members followed Jay Scheevel and tech advisors from Chapter 1373, Graham Meyer, and Bob Trumpfelder to Jay’s hangar to critique his Tri Q-2 project. Others stayed and checked out the Dakota Hawk which was parked outside Ladd’s hangar.

A lunch of burgers, brats and hangar talk followed. Thanks once again to the Hurts who provide lunch regularly!

Our next meeting will be Saturday, Sept 17 at 10 AM.


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