The meeting was held at the Golden Corral after the Christmas Lunch
The meeting was opened at 12:14 by Syndi Jochums.
Guests were introduced:
Donna Dodge
Greg Lilley
Julie Paterson
Heather Burnett
Ruth Wehling
November minutes were read and approved.
Treasurers Report:
All money due EAA800 has been collected
about 2K from Dana's engine and scrap for aircraft
$1000 was paid to Hawk leaving $1733.83 in checking
$110 was collected from Calendar sales ($10 each)
Dues are Due, 3 have paid ($20 per family)
The Treasurers Report was approved.
Bryan reported that the Cherokee has insurance and has flown.
The propeller balance should be checked, there is some vibration.
Kim thanked the EAA and many of its members to help him get back to aviation.
Eddie was given an EAA thank you Plack and group picture for his help with the Hawk project.
Eddie also reported that a Zenith 601 kit has been donated, our 5th airplane,
and reported on plans to take a group of youth to Oshkosh next summer.
Old Business:
Decision was made to get Safety vests with the $100 credit for YE supplies.
Reminder that Dues are due.
Syndi distributed some old awards from the file to be delivered.
New Business: elections were held
Ken Hurt was reelected Treasurer
Jeri Hurt is the new YE coordinator, Syndi & Barb will help.
Nancy Hurst was elected Secretary
Sterling Hurst was reelected as Information Officer
Steve Linderman was reelected Webmaster (not present)
Bryan and Ken will be Co vice Presidents
Kim Niebauer was elected President
Eddie discussed getting t-shirts for Oshkosh next summer
The meeting was closed at 12:57
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