The meeting was opened at 10:32 by Syndi Jochums.
Guests were introduced:
Jim Birch - Ron Huddlestone's next door neighbor
October minutes were read and approved.
Treasurers Report:
$1750 paid in hanger through next December
$637.80 in checking
Report was approved.
Young Eagles:
T shirts are here for YE volunteers
Credit at EAA $100 towards YE supplies
Safety Vests, YE caps,
Calenders who orders? (EAA800's turn) How many? (25)
Need list of Kids and Mentors on Hawk Project
Sterling needs YE package, certificate and logbook
Have $500 to use as fundraiser - not chocolate - not T shirts?
T shirt design with Hawk Logo and EAA800?
Alpine Bank may make a donation?
Hawk Aviators now on Facebook
Cherokee insurance liability to be purchased
Start Oshkosh planning, need Dakota Hawk in OSH
EAA forming group for clubs supporting Kids
High School Program?
Need some older kids
Looks like Dakota Hawk can be used as a lightsport
Old Business:
Christmas Party at the Golden Coral Dec 12 11AM on Left by Ice Cream
Jan 16 2016 10AM - Meeting Tour of Twin Otter - Old Timberline Building
Think of new officers, Ladd not available
Jay showed new modified cowl adapted for water cooled engine
The meeting was closed at 11:38
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