Meeting was opened at 10:19 by Sterling Hurst
Guest were introduced:
Craig Hamson - First officer with united, just purchased 172 in Connecticut
Both weekends YE rained out - 2nd year in arow. Have flown 1.9 million kids
Previous Months minutes were read and approved.
Need more commitments for planes and pilots before we schedule YE
Treasurers Report:
$360 from candy sales, rod rebuild $250 approved
$25.01 savings, $ 1810.36 checking,
John explained HAWK society. High Country Aviation Workshop for Kids
Chapter 800 will build aircraft.
Once built will be transferred to HAWK for Kids to use
Possible Zenith donation, only if it will be donated to HAWK on completion
Motion by Nancy Hurt made to accept conditions of donation, approved
HAWK Report:
Kmart Safety Fair - NO
Airshow Oct 10-11- need data - Yes need contact person
Paint booth built, paint has been ordered,
Need letter sent to Aircraft Spruce noting present officers.
Painting belly next project needs to be done next
Engine has to be finished, need Mags, propeller, carb, up to $5K to finish
West Star is donating the Magnaflux inspection of steel parts.
YE proposed 3rd Saturday in September (19th)
Meeting closed at 11:27
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