
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
11 April 2015

Meeting was opened at 10:19 by Brian Miller

Treasurers Report:
  $ 25.01 in savings, $1730.36 in checking,
  $660.65 received last month and is in checking.
  Hawk debt for $684 for cam repair, check for C85 cam that was sold $646,
  payment was approved

Crestone Aviation was made an honorary member of chapter 800

Guest were introduced:
    Halee Bibeau,
    Robert and Elijah Crick,
    Troy and Cathy Ball, moved to GJ from Prescott AZ
    Tom Jones form CAP cadet division
    Lou Gray, just flying through
    Rich Long

Last months Minutes were read and approved

Young Eagles report by Barb Friedman:
  So far 5 preregistered, 2 groups may be here
  Have 5-6 pilots
  Flight simulator will be here
  Pilot briefing will be at 8:45, start flying at 9:00
  CAP will bring youth to help on ground
  At least 4 airplanes 2 single and 2 four place
  CAP youth can fly if they bring filled out permission forms
  Sterling will look into more publicity

Possible YE program in Nucla? (Sterling was asked)

Hawk - High country Aviation Workshop for Kids
  501C3 has been approved
  Aircraft Belly is now covered with fabric.
  Last week - new lights added in hanger, work on bottom fabric.
  Memorandum of understanding between EAA800 and Hawk Society was passed around.
  Letter of understanding was explained approved.
  Need people to write training program plans (for insurance company)
  May want to look at FAA part 141 regs for ideas.

Fly in at Mack Mesa on May 13 (all invited), we need to move meeting date.
  Meeting was moved to May 9 at 10:00.

Kim is checking out (after 34 year gap), Roger flew with Sterling for type checkout.
  7-800 fpm climb, 140 cruise, very quick controls.

Ron Huddleston reported on his new Lightning, EIFIS failed and was sent back for repairs,
  hope it now works.

Meeting closed at 11:05


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