
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 February 2015

Meeting was opened at 10:07 by Lane Jochums.

The January minutes were read and approved.

Treasurers Report:
  $ 25 savings, $ 1491.04 checking, $ 100 petty cash
  Treasurers Report was approved

Web: Steve not here, no known problems

Brian still selling candy, about $234 collected so far.

Tom Gierhart DAR Designated Airworthiness Representative talked on certification
  Former FAA rep
  Manager Western Skyways
  Ladd Has Contact Data
  Has certified over 300 airplanes around the world
  Certification around $500 EAA $450

New Business:
  March 21 meeting at West Star park in customer parking, 790 building.
  Is there a ramp fee if flying into the meeting?

Sign Card for Beckie

News on Projects:
  Ken Niebauer
    KR2s has has been flown, works fine.
    seats were lowered and instrument panel moved up so he fits
    Powered by Revmaster 2500D 75HP
    Est 900fpm single, 500 dual

Old Business:
  Approved $400 in Dakota parts that were purchased.
  Candy Sales, f2 cases left
  2015 calendars are available at $10 each
  Ridge electric donated $250 YE program, donation receipt was approved.
  Brian - budget to finish hawk has been estimated. $4067
    We should define EAA800 and HAWK society relationship.
    Young Eagles part must stay with EAA800.
    Plane ownership and flying go to HAWK society
    Will generate letter of understanding between 2 organizations.

A motion was made and approved to transfer the airplane at the time of airworthiness signing.

Late Guest: Rick Peterson , CAP Group Commander 15yr science teacher, works with Math and Science
  May have some Cadets that would work well with HAWK society,

Meeting closed at 12:03


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