
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
15 Nov 2014

Meeting was opened at 10:26 by Syndi Jochums.

Guest were introduced:
  Robert Distel
  Joey Distel
  Darlene Distel
  Gabe Casky
  Bill Long
  John Caldwell (lives near Mack)
  Anthony Caldwell working on build
  Tom L
  Young Builders were also present

Minute approval (Crawford) postponed to next meeting

Treasurers Report:
  $ 1929.79 in Checking $25.03 Savings
  $191.59 payment for hawk, $300 for starter, T shirts have been paid for
  Treasurers report was approved

Web: Steve not present, Syndi reported the web page has no problems

Brian, gout getting better, Jake reported not doing much on the plane.

Dec 13 Xmas Party will be at the Golden Corral, NE corner, 11:30AM.

Sterling is taking Names for lost name tags.

$500 was offered by Beagles for Comanche wreck. The offer was accepted.

Hawk, rod ends have been fixed, proposed that a 501C3 non profit for finished airplane.
  An other option is LLC to own airplane
  Progress is Slow due to old build problems which are being fixed, but progressing.

Airshow, second week of October may happen.

Barb reported that we Flew 40 Young Eagles, all went Well and on time.

Thanked Montrose chapter for good time at Crawford.

2015 EAA calenders are available for $10.00 each

Meeting closed at 10:48 and a talk and demonstration on welding was started


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