
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 June 2014

Meeting was opened at 10:21 by Syndi Jochums.

Guests were introduced:
  Diana Adams
  Heidi Adams
  Sophia Lozano

Treasurers Report:
  $ 25.01 Savings,
  $257.97 Checking, $200 goes to Dakota for engine mount
  $100.00 Petty Cash

Minutes were read and approved.

Kmart Safety Fair report by Barb Friedman
  Will have fliers
  Look for members
  Give away magazines
  Bring Dakota - insurance ?

  Dana's Airplane picked up, 10-3pm last Saturday
  waiting for paperwork so we can take it apart
  Need thanks placard for land owner, make him an Honorary Member
  Lane moved to thank Brian, approved

Don Coleman will show how to do a weight & balance at hanger after meeting.

There are a few more name tags to distribute.

Still looking for more Meeting program ideas,
  State wildlife pilot Steve Waters
  Lane looking for Painter to explain proper painting

EAA 1373 meeting will be at Lowel's house, looking for headcount.
  First Sat in July, drive in only
  So far 10 said they were going.

  Engine mount has been purchased waiting to be picked up

Dana's airplane was picked up to avoid future liability problems.
  Has been dropped off at Jochums,
  NTSB and Lycoming have inspected. engine appeared to be running when stopped
  Still had compression, no problem found with engine
  Aircraft was very nose low when it hit ground.
  NTSB has released, $200 donated for shop usage by NTSB

Dana's Shop Manuals were donated to EAA

Dakota meeting:
  Aircraft is probably not insurable, can not rent,
  Randy - Salt Lake FISDO said try EAA national
  EAA said have to be an owner to fly, everyone has to be partner.
  May want to sell and buy 150 or other approved aircraft for trainer.

Duane: - start with gliders? May cost less.

Sterling: described wx incident - Flying Turbo 210, 40kt tailwind to Centennial,
  Turbulence all the way back,

New Business
  Possible ride from Montrose airport to EAA meeting next month?

Montrose - Would we do a Young Eagles after the labor day rally,

Meeting Adjourned 11:12


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