
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 February 2013

The February meeting was called to order by chapter president Alfred Gabelli at approximately 10:30. The minutes from the January meeting were read and approved. Treasurer Ken Hurt reported balances of $25 in savings, $925.17 in checking and $95 in petty cash. His report was approved. President Gabelli is still updating the roster and will share it with the officers before it goes on the website.

There was some discussion of the AVARE app for android phones that was mentioned in the January minutes. We decided to have a program on aviation apps for our June meeting.

Eddie Clement gave us a synopsis of the recent airport board meeting. There was a full house of attendees. He recommended Laura Luke and Bill Pitts to those able to vote for Grand Junction city council members.

EAA calendars are in and available for $10 each. Give your money to Ken Hurt.

Pres. Gabelli presented awards certificates to those members present who had not received them.

Young Eagle coordinator Syndi Jocums reminded the group of the April 20 YE event and asked that pilots and workers sign up on the website. Some Young Eagles have already signed up. She showed us the traffic cones she had purchased for YE events.

Following adjournment of the business meeting, Eddie Clement gave a presentation on Alternative Fuels and demonstrated making bio-diesel from cooking oil. He recommended the following website for those interested in more information: http://journeytoforever.org/

The demo was followed by a lunch of chili and accompaniments furnished by Jeri Hurt.


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