
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 January 2013

The meeting was called to order at 10:45 AM by the President, Alfred Gabelli in the EAA Hangar at Mack Mesa Airport.

The minutes from the December meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $908.17 in the account.

All members are reminded that dues are now due for 2013.

The new officers for 2013 were introduced:

It was suggested that the Chapter make a monetary donation to Ladd for the use of his hangar for our functions, but Ladd declined and suggested we use the money for EAA activities. It was also noted that the Chapter has reimbursed Ladd for any fuel that we have used for Young Eagles flights.

Alfred asked if anyone had objection to him "purifying" the Chapter files. There were no objections.

It was suggested that members volunteer to provide the program for one our future meetings. This will allow more people to get involved with Chapter activities and help the Chapter Officers with their workload. The following months and programs were signed up for:

The months June through November are still open. if you would like to volunteer to provide the program for one of these meetings, contact one of the Chapter Officers to sign up.

Anyone who needs a EAA Chapter 800 name tag, contact Alfred Gabelli.

Alfred is compiling an updated Chapter roster that will be available to members only.

Mel Thorsen introduced his guest, Roy Sweeney. Roy is a mechanic and has experience in engines, welding and paint and body work. He has been helping Mel with his airplane repairs.

Bill Marvel provided a summary of an upcoming meeting in Washington DC between the TSA and AOPA to discuss the flightline access issues at GJT. Bill was urging members to write a letter to the TSA prior to this meeting. Sterling has forwarded an email to all members explaining the issues and what points to include in your letters. The meeting is planned for Jan 22, 2013 so letters need to be send immediately.

Jeff Buchanan said that an ADS-B broadcast site is being established on Sunlight mountain to cover the gap in coverage in Western Colorado.

Randy Owen recommended an App that he has on his Android phone called AVARE. It is a free App and provides GPS guidance on Sectional maps. Randy has used it in his airplane as a backup feature. For further information, contact Randy.

Syndi reminded everyone that the next Young Eagles Day will be in April. Watch the EAA 800 webpage for details.

Jay Scheveel has a set of plans for the Cri Cri airplane. They were displayed for anyone to look at. It is the smallest twin engine airplane and is fully acrobatic.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:34AM for lunch.


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