
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
17 November 2012

The meeting was called to order at 10:25 AM by President, Lane Jochums in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

The minutes from the October meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $ 1597.13 in the account. Dues for 2013 will be due in January. Dues are $20 per member.

Jeff Buchanan introduced his guest Barry Hicks. Barry has recently purchased a Legend Cub (see pictures) and Jeff is giving him tail wheel instruction. Barry is an A&P and AI and has worked in the airline business on large aircraft.

Jeff discussed a recent service bulletin for RV-7, 8 and 9's. Some builders had left several quarter inch bolts left out of the spars. It appears the plans were not very clear that bolts were required in the holes.

Several builders discussed their projects:

The Christmas luncheon/meeting will be held at Judy's Restaurant in Fruit (Hwy 6 and 50 and Maple Street) on December 8th at 11 AM. Please RSVP to Syndi as soon as possible if you will be attending.

The Young Eagles dates for next year have been posted on the website.

Ladd would like for members who have airplanes or who have had airplanes to give him a picture of the airplane so he can post them on the hanger wall.

Lane announced that he will not be able to continue as president for next year due to his work requirements.

Ray and Mike said they would stay on as Treasurer and Secretary if no one else would volunteer to do those jobs, however, both of them have been doing those jobs for many years and it would be nice to get some new faces involved.

If you are interested in ANY of the Chapter officer positions, please let Lane, Steve or Sterling know prior to the December meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM for lunch.


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