
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
20 October 2012

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM by the Vice President, Steve Lindemann in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

Several guests were introduced:

The minutes from the September meeting were read and approved.

There was not a Treasurers report since Ray and Marge were absent.

A recap of the September Young Eagles Day was given by Syndi. A total of 82 kids were flown. Several suggestions were discussed to make the process a little smoother, although all agreed that it went very well. The YE Days for next year are tentitively planned for the 3rd week in April and the 3rd week in September.

The December Christmas Party will be held at Judy's Family Restaurant in Fruita on Dec 8th at 11 AM.. Please RSVP to Syndi as soon as possible if you will be attending.

Ladd discussed the Fly-In recently held at Mack Mesa. Forty aircraft attended. Randy Owen won the spot landing contest. He also announced that a group is flying to Arizona the first part of November if anyone is interested in going along.

Don Sekulich gave an informative demonstation of Kimball Tools. He can get a discounted price for Chapter members.

Mike Marker from Los Lunas New Mexico gave a very informative presentation on building and flying his RV-12.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 for hamburgers and hot dogs.


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