
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 June 2012

The meeting was called to order by the President, Lane Jochums at 10:10 AM in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

The minutes from the May meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1463.01 in our account.

Several guests were introduced:

Sterling has contacted the planners for the Grand Junction Air Show but has not heard anything back from them with respect to our attendance/participation.

Graham Meyer reminded members that the comment period for the Third Class Medical Exemption is July 2nd. All members are urged to submit supporting comments.

Syndi still has Young Eagle shirts for sale. She also noted that Rangely was flying YE's today, We have been contacted about flying Boy Scouts and we should consider them for the fall YE's Day.

Mel Thorsen said that he may be able to loan us some orange cones to use next YE Day. We borrowed the last ones from the police department.

The Rifle Airshow will be held on 13-14 July. Members who attended last year said that it was a first class event.

Bob Urbish polled the members to see how many were interested in having an Auto Fuel self service pump at an airport in the area. There was quite a bit of interest.

Jeff Buchanan gave a very interesting and informative briefing on the FAA's radar, navigation and communication facilities in the area.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM for hot dogs and hamburgers.


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