The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM by the President, Lane Jochums in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.
The Treasurer reported that we have $959.74 in our account.
The Member roster on the website is being updated. Be sure Steve has your most current information.
Several guests were introduced:
Bob Said gave an interesting short talk about his experiences as an editor of various flying magazines over the years.
Steve Woods brought us up to date on the issues going on at GJT with respect to the fence and gates. There may be some resolution soon.
Lane polled the group about having the next meeting at his house. There is a 1200 ft packed dirt runway with a parking area. There are power lines at the east end of the east/west runway. Members thought that was a good idea.
Syndi discussed the upcoming Young Eagles program that is scheduled for next Saturday, April 28th. Pilot briefing will be at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning. If you can help with ground crew, please let Lane or Syndi know.
Eddie Clements gave a very interesting and informative discussion of his work with Biofuels. He makes and uses Biodiesel and gave a demonstration of how that is done.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM for hot dogs and hamburgers.
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