The meeting started at 10:20am
Guests were introduced:
Minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer report: balance of $1260.79
Please contact Lane with any suggestions for meeting activities.
Old business: We still have 6 EAA calendars left (at $10 each). Please contact Lane if you want one.
New business: Anyone have old parts we can advertise? Perhaps we can set up a virtual swap meet. Lane talked about his visit with the Montrose chapter. Graham filled us in on what's going on at Montrose. There was discussion about having a booth at the local airshow at the Grand Junction airport on 22-23 Sept. The general consensus is to do it.
Young Eagles: Syndi talked about t-shirts and passed around a photo of an example shirt. She also passed around hard copy of ideas for give aways for the next Young Eagles rally.
Presentation: Don Sekulich talked to us about safety wiring and using cotter pins. Don used to be an Army helicopter mechanic and a flight engineer on Chinnooks (CH-47). He provided a handout (copied from AC43.13-1B) and gave a practical demo of using safety wire. Afterward we were all given a chance to try our hand working with safety wiring and correctly installing cotter pins.
The meeting broke up at 11:35am. Burgers & stuff were started on the grill.
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