
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 Nov 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

The minutes from the October meeting at Crawford were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1062.68 in our account. This balance is after we paid $369 for the EAA calendars. Some of this money will be recovered with the sale of the calendars.

Jay mentioned that we need to file a "Non-profit" report with the IRS. Jay will get with Sterling to make sure we have that covered.

Steve said that he was going to add a Young Eagles page to our website in the near future.

Sterling is checking with EAA Hq to see if we can use the EAA logo or the EAA Young Eagles logo for our YE events. He hasn't heard back from them yet.

EAA Calendars should be available at the December meeting. It was suggested that we send any extras we have to Young Eagles after the events. A process to determine which YE's get the calendars will have to be developed.

The December meeting (luncheon) will be held at Camilla's in Fruita (same place as last year) on 17 December starting at noon. The menu will be posted on the EAA 800 website.

Dana Brewer discussed his move of Monument Aircraft from GJ to Mack. He is operating out of three T hangers now but plans to build a new hanger on the south side of the runway. Some members toured Dana's facilities after the meeting was adjourned.

Syndi Joakums discussed some ideas for future Young Eagles Events. We are tentatively planning on inviting Scenic Elementary next Spring. Mike Stolle has already talked with Scenic Principal, Doug Levinson, about that. They are very interested in participating.

Bob Trumpheller discussed some videos he had brought on his computer that he showed after the regular meeting was adjourned. They included some back country airstrips as well as camping at Payson, AZ.

Two guests were introduced:

Sterling asked if any members remembered some details of the discussions we had with the TSA lady who came to one of our meetings earlier this year. If you were at that meeting, please get with Sterling to help recount some of the discussion that occurred.

New officers were elected for 2012. They will be:

Members were asked about their projects and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM for lunch.


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