
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
20 Aug 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM by Sterling in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport. Members were treated to watching several airplanes practice spot landings on the grass runway at Mack prior to the start of the meeting.

The minutes from the July meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer reported that we have $1362.02 in the account after paying Dag for use of his hanger.

Several guests were introduced:

Steve Lindemann discussed the upcoming Young Eagles Days. The first one is 17 and 18 September (two days of flying) at Eagle Colorado. Steve is helping the pilots at Eagle put on a YE Day since they are not officially an EAA Chapter. Ground crew and pilots are welcome. See the website or contact Steve if you can help.

The Chapter 800 YE Day is on 24 September at Mack. Ground crew and pilots are needed for this event also. Contact Steve if you available to help on that Saturday morning.

The Combined EAA Meeting with Chapter 1373 at Crawford Airport will be held on October 8th (not September as discussed at this meeting). Details will be discussed at the 17 September meeting at Mack.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20AM for lunch. Nancy and Syndi made Chili for all.


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