Meeting was started @10:05 am in WestStar lobby by Dennis Crawford.
Minutes from last meeting read by Dennis. Approved and 2nd. Treasurer report was given by Ray Guziak. Ray opened a new Banking acct. at Western Rockies FCU and balance now is $1475.11. Treasurers’ report was approved.
Steve Lindemann gave a Young Eagles report. He stated that the weather was interesting. With 3 Pilots, 7 ground crew, we flew 24 students. Students really enjoyed Jims Experiments with rocket launcher and all of the aides he built to demonstrate flight principals.
Sterling Hurst reported that he and Jim Grady went to Taylor Elementary School to Jeri Hurts 3rd Grade class to discuss Bernoulli’s Principal and other flight principals with students. They then helped the students build and launch 24 rockets with some going as high as 100’Plus. They all had a great time.
Discussion on "Golden Eagles" or adult orientation rides with official insurance coverage waivers seems to be on track. There are a few people we should give rides for their help in the past.
Josh reported on Model Airplane Club changes and newer interest in getting more kids involved in the AMA. Info at Both clubs could use each other for cooperative events to get young kids involved in both clubs. Field is located north and east of Drag Strip and Gun Clubs on weekends.
Old business-
Mike Marker was given check to help him on fuel for our last meeting. Young Eagles was a success with the students. Rides, fun games, and Certificates were passed out after they were given a ride in a plane. We all thanked Jim again for the projects and he said they were all on the EAA Young Eagles website.
New business-
It was brought up that Norm McClintock is going to sell his RV-8 and the Porte Hanger it is parked in up at Delta is also for sale. (Alice Monroe owns the hanger at Delta.)
Discussion of Mack as our next meeting place. Ladd Klingsmith Manager invited us down to use his hanger for a one time move. Mike Stolle, Randy Miller, and Ladd may show us their planes and maybe Ladds new Carbon Cub. Everyone will need to bring their own chairs.
Next meeting will be June 18, 2011 at Mack if things get prepared in time with all of the parties involved.
Thanks to Ross Talbott for standing in and doing minutes for this week.
Meeting was adorned at 10:45 and Josh took all attendee’s on tour of WesrStar Facilities.
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