
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 Apr 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM in Dag's Hanger by the President, Dennis Crawford.

The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we had $1489.66 in the account. Dennis announced that Jay Scheveel had donated some money to Chapter to cover the costs of our EAA registration and fees. Ray is going to check with the Western Rockies Credit Union in Fruita to see if we can get an account there that does not have a service charge.

Steve announced that the Young Eagles Day is still scheduled for the 23rd of April at 9:00 AM. Rain day will be April 30th. Pilots, airplanes and ground crew are needed. The number of kids is not known, but is expected to be around 40. An email will be sent out to all Chapter members reminding them of the YE day and the need for volunteers.

Josh Wesely discussed conducting a Westar Tour at the May meeting. It will include walking about a mile while touring three of Westar's maintenance hangers. We will meet in the main Westar parking lot outside the main lobby at 10:00 AM.

Dennis polled the members about the Chapter paying some gas money for the Marker's trip to Grand Junction from Blanding. A motion was made, seconded and approved that we pay $125 for their gas money. Ray wrote check for that amount and presented it to Mike Marker before the meeting was over.

Dennis reminded members that Ed Woyonowski's 100 th Birthday celebration was going to be held at Coffee Muggers on Main Street from 1 to 3 PM today.

Dennis thanked Syndi Joakums for making the lunch for last months meeting. He also mentioned that the welcome home party for Lane at their home was very nicely done.

Dennis discussed nominating some of our Chapter officers for EAA awards. The nominating forms appeared quite extensive and there did not appear to be much interest from those present.

Dennis introduced Mike and Jan Marker from Los Lunas New Mexico who came to our meeting to present a briefing on his RANS S-18 that he built. Mike discussed the requirements for the airplane, modifications he made to make the airplane agood photo platform that he could fly into back country airstrips. At the end of the briefing he showed a series of pictures that he has taken from the S-18 in the Four Corners States.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 for hot dogs and hamburgers.


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