
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 Mar 2011

The meeting was called to order in Dag's hanger at 10:05 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford.

The minutes from the February meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1489.66 in the account after buying a meeting table at Sam's Club for the Chapter. The table cost $35. Ray noted that our bank is now charging $5 a month service charge. It was recommended that we investigate finding a bank or Credit Union that did not have a service charge.

Steve Lindemann discussed the next Young Eagles Day that will be held at 9:00 AM on 23 April with 30 April as the rain day. Pilots, airplanes and ground crew are needed. Jim Grady will have a rocket launcher project for the kids while they are waiting to fly.

Dennis reported that Sterling is at home and recovering well although he is still on oxygen. He is not yet ready for visitors.

Several visitors were introduced:

Syndi Jokcums announced that Lane will be home the 2nd of April for a month, but they will be out of town for the April meeting. They will be having a Pot Luck at their home on Sunday April 3rd at 5:00 PM. All EAA 800 members are invited. If you didn't get the email invitation contact one of the Chapter officers for directions.

We will be having a combined meeting with Chapter 1373 in October at Crawford. It will be the second Sat in October instead of the usual third Sat for us. More details to come.

It was announced that Mack Mesa Airport is going to make some improvements including new hangers and a campground.

Graham Meyer attended the Delta City Council meeting held last week to discuss the power lines that run just north of the airport. There are 9 poles that are in violation of FAA standards for obstructions in the vicinity of airports. They discussed options for dealing with this, although a course of action was not chosen. They discussed rerouting the lines, burying the lines, or just marking the lines with colored balls and/or flashing lights.

Roger Olander gave an interesting presentation on his work with vacuum bagging in the manufacture of composite aircraft parts. He discussed several processes and the resultant effect on the parts.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch.


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