
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
15 Jan 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:40 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford.

The minutes from the December meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1689.66 in the account. Reminder that dues for 2011 are now due ($20).

Steve discussed the upcoming Young Eagles days which will be:

Steve also noted that the new officer contact information will be updated on the website soon.

Steve also discussed getting pictures of members airplanes and projects on the website. All members with airplanes (of any kind) or airplane projects should email Steve pictures at Steve@marmot.org.

EAA Calendars are still available for $10 each. Check with Graham at the next meeting if you would like a calendar.

Sterling noted that Piper is discontinuing its import of the Czech LSA. That leaves Piper without a LSA .

The new power lines at Delta Blake field were discussed. It seems these were installed in violation of the FAA's rules for airport obstructions, and letters have been written to the FAA to point this out. There is a complete discussion of this issue on Chapter 1373's website (which is linked to EAA800.org).

Jim Grady said that Mark Howard, who previously donated books to our Chapter, has contacted him about more books he is willing to give away. The consensus was that our books are not being used that much and adding more storage space in Dag's hanger was not an option at this point. Don Coleman said he will contact the CAF and see if they would like them for their library. It was also suggested that they could be donated to the VA Hospital.

At the November meeting in Dag's hanger, the heat was left on and resulted in a high gas bill for Dag. It was agreed and approved to reimburse Dag for the gas bill as well as some extra for letting us use his hanger for our monthly meetings. We will provide him with $250 now and readdress providing him some additional funds throughout the year for use of his hanger.

Dennis will ask Josh Wesely if he can give a talk on his electric powered model aircraft at the February meeting.

Randy Owen flew his Zenith aircraft to the meeting and gave a short discussion of the airplane and his flying to date. Randy spent about 1100 hrs over a period of 2 1/2 years building the airplane. He has about 15 hrs on it now.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM to look at Randy's airplane and have lunch.


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