The meeting was called to order at 1PM at Camilla's Kaffee in Fruita by the President Jay Scheveel.
The minutes from the November meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer reported that we have $1339.66 in our account and that dues for 2011 are due.
Mr Pete Watkins was visiting fromEAA Chapter 43 on the Front Range. Pete lives in Golden Colorado and flies out of Erie Airport.
It was reported that both Bob Caskey and Randy Owen have flown their Zenith aircraft for the first time.
EAA Calendars for 2011 were available for purchase.
EAA Certificates and pins for outgoing Chapter officers were presented.
The new officers for 2011 were announced:
Jay suggested that we investigate donating some funds for the use of Dag's hanger for our meetings. Dag will be contacted by Dennis or Roger to discuss this.
Steve noted that he had sent an email to EAA concerning the "Golden/Old/Bald Eagles" program but had not yet received a reply.
The business meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM for the Christmas lunch at Camilla's Kaffee.
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