
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
20 Nov 2010

The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM in Dag's Hanger by the Vice President, Dennis Crawford.

The minutes for the October meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1339 in our account.

Steve discussed some links on the website for a U-2 ride and a P-51 cockpit. There is also an updated calendar.

Joshua Wesley, a new member was introduced. Joshua works at Weststar, is an A&P mechanic, has been interested in aviation most of his life, is a Private pilot with about 100 hours and has recent experience building electric powered scaled aircraft. Joshua will probably give a discussion of some of his electric powered aircraft at a future meeting.

Tom Lambert, a guest from a few hangers down from Dag's attended for the first part of the meeting.

The EAA calendar orders have gone in and hopefully will be available at the December meeting.

Steve recapped the Young Eagles Day in October. We flew 28 YE's with 6 aircraft and 7 ground crew. Steve thanked all pilots and ground crew for their participation. There was discussion about whether YE days should be planned as large or small events. Both have been conducted in the area quite successfully. Some mentioned that further precoordination for the number of kids would be helpful in planning the number of aircraft and ground crew necessary.

Sterling mentioned that we had previously discussed an "Old Eagles" program to fly grown ups. Steve said he would check with EAA and see if that type of event would be sanctioned.

The December meeting is planned for Camillas Kaffee in Fruita on Dec 18th around 1 PM. Check the website for the exact time and directions. Dennis mentioned that the club could consider paying for members, but the majority of those present said they would rather cover their own expenses.

After much discussion, the following are the Club Officiers for 2011.

President: Dennis Crawford (with Sterling Hurst as assistant)

Vice President: Roger Olander (with Joshua Wesley assistant)

Treasurer: Ray Guziak

Secretary/Newsletter: Mike Stolle

Webmaster/Young Eagles: Steve Lindemann

The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM for hamburgers and hot dogs.


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