
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
12 June 2010

The meeting was called to order at 10:50 AM by Graham (Chapt 1373 President) and Jay (Chapt 800 President) at Graham's hangar at Delta.

Jay anounced that the Pacific Prowler B25 is supposed to be at Steamboat Springs on Labor Day.

Jay brought a copy of the Oskosh NOTAM for any that were interested. It can also be found here (.pdf)

Jay brought a box of Wicks catalogs for any that were interested. Thanks Jay!

Graham mentioned the Brown Arch Brick nominations for Oshkosh.

Chuck (Chapt 1373) set up a nice display about his VersiPlane gyroplane. There was a laptop with a slide show and some bits of the aircraft. Pretty neat stuff!

Steve (Chapt 800) announced that we had flown 22 Young Eagles on 29 May. Many thanks to the 4 pilots and 8 ground crew that made it go so smoothly.

Scott (Chapt 1373) advocated joint the Colorado Pilots Association. We need the representation and clout with state politicians. It's only $20 a year and less for multi-year memberships.

Scott also talked about back country airstrips and asked that everyone consider helping get some of the 102 airfields out there back into usable condition.


The official meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM and we had burgers and stuff. A good time was had by all.


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