
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
20 February 2010

The meeting was called to order at 10:21 AM by the President in Dag's Hanger at GJT.

The minutes from the January 2010 meeting were read and approved.

Jay reminded everyone about the airman certificate replacement that is due 30 Mar. After that date, if you don't have a plastic airman certificate you can't fly until you do. See the FAA Website for details.

Steve handed out Young Eagles certificates for Ground team support for 2009

Jay mentioned the Wings Forum website. We also have a link to it on our links page on the website

The Treasurer reported that we have $1386.66 in our account and reminded everyone that member dues for 2010 are now due.

Our guest speaker, Bill Goss, was introduced.
He was drafted in 1942 and applied for the Air Corp Cadet Program where his training consisted of:

He then shipped to England and ended up flying the Douglas C-47 Skytrain (or Dakota) with the 9thAF in France to the end of the war. After the end he flew troops and supplies out of the theater from all over Europe. In 1947 he returned home from Hamburg, Germany and joined the Reserves. He has 29 years military service with both active duty and reserves.

We had an interesting video on the P-39 that everyone watched after Bill finished. You missed a great meeting if you weren't there.

Sterling asked that you contact him if you know anyone selling an Aircoupe without the rudder pedals. He also knows someone selling a Falco if anyone is interested.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM for sandwiches and social time


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