The meeting was called to order at 10:25 AM by the President in Dag's Hanger at GJT.
The minutes from the December 2009 meeting were read and approved.
Several visitors were introduced:
Chuck and Scott are interested in an airplane like a Kitfox or a Highlander. Troy has always been interested in aviation and likes the Long Ez.
Don Coleman was awarded a certificate and EAA pin for his 2009 service as Chapter Vice President.
The Treasurer reported that we have $1151.66 in our account. Member dues for 2010 are now due.
Jay discussed some information from EAA headquarters that was related to renewing our Chapter status each year. The cost to do that was $227. and includes our Chapter insurance. There is a document of Chapter Rules that includes do's and don'ts. It was noted that we do a very good job following them especially with regard to Young Eagles events. There is also a provision for flying people that do not fall into the YE category, ie parents, orientation rides, etc. Jay asked Steve Lindemann to check into the requirements that are on the EAA website for doing this.
Jim Grady announced that the P-38 pilot that he knows, Bill Goss, will be available to speak at our 20 February 2010 meeting. Bill is 84 years old.
Several members commented on their projects:
Chapter 1373 in Montrose will be having their annual Luncheon at the Dragon Wall in Montrose on 6 February 2010. All EAA 800 members are invited. Details are on their website (which is linked off our website).
Steve Lindemann reviewed our Young Eagles program for 2010.
The dates will be:
Steve emphasized the importance of having enough ground crew and pilots committed to those dates ahead of time to handle the number of YE's that are expected. It was suggested that we could contact the CAP to assist with ground crew duties.
Steve reviewed the requirements for pilots to fly YE's. All requirements for the YE program are listed on the EAA website.
Individuals can fly YE's on their own, but must follow all the EAA requirements so that the YE is entered into the EAA logbook and all liability issues are covered.
Steve discussed several options for keeping the YE's busy while they are waiting for their flights. Steve passed out several exercises from the EAA Air Academy Program as examples. Members are requested to give Steve any feedback they have on this subject.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM for hotdogs and hamburgers.
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