The meeting was called to order by the President, Jay Scheevel at 10:20 AM in Dag's Hanger. There were no minutes from the July meeting held in conjunction with the Montrose Chapter. A reference to the Montrose newletter will be used in place of EAA 800 minutes on our web page.
The Treasuer reported that we have $1198.66 in our account plus approximately $50 in cash.
Marge Guziak reported that she has written two articles and submitted them to EAA for publication. The first was on Randy Miller and his Stearman and the second on Chalmer Bowen and his work with Howard Hughes.
It is coming time to order EAA calendars. Since the cost per calendar goes down the more calendars that are ordered, we will contact the Montrose Chapter to see if we can combine orders. Jay will contact them prior to ordering calendars this year.
The yearly Colorado Non Profit Corporation filing fee will be handled by Sterling since he is familiar with what must be accomplished.
Jim Grady reported that the Colorado Pilots Association's (CPA) Recreational Airstrip Committee is trying to identify interesting and fun flying destinations and are recruiting people to help. They are contacting Forest service and BLM to solicite their cooperation and input in making some of these destinations available to pilots. (
In addition, the CPA is having a Fly-In in Marble on 11-13 September 2009.
Jim also noted an organization, Pilots and Paws (, that is providing transportation for rescue dogs. More information can be found on their website.
Graham Meyer reported that he attended the Cortez, CO Fly-In and that the Chapter there has invited nearby Chapters to join them at their monthly meetings, the second Saturday of the month.
Sterling reported that Dwayne Watson is on the Airport Authority Board now.
Steve Lindemann is planning the next Young Eagles Day for 26 September. He is looking for ideas to keep the kids busy while they are waiting to fly. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact Steve.
It was noted that the Montrose Airport Appreciation Day is September 19th and Delta's Appreciation Day is 3-4 October.
Our September meeting will be held on 12 September and is tentatively planned for Bob Caskey's shop to see the Zenith 801 that he and Bill Marvel are building. Look for directions on the website.
Don Coleman gave a talk on his visit to Airventure this year. A video on the proper technique for Hand Propping was shown.
Sterling introduced Larry Butler. Larry is a former military pilot and FAA Controller.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM for hotdogs and hamburgers.
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