
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
17 Jan 2009

The meeting was called to order at 11:20 AM in Dag's Hanger by the President, Dennis Crawford. The minutes from the December 2008 meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1270 in our account and that 2009 dues ($20) are payable now.

The guests were introduced and welcomed:

Sterling and Jim Grady discussed the Memorial Service that was held for Daryll Monroe. It was a very well done Celebration of Life and included a flyover by several airplanes from Grand Junction and Montrose.

Bob Trumpfheller noted that the schedule for the RV Group that does flyovers for funerals etc is on the Chapter 1373 website which is linked to our website.

Jim Grady discussed the Recreational Aviation Foundation and their website that he found. They are interested in finding and cataloging backcountry airstrips in Colorado and the West. If you know of any, please let Jim know.

Steve Lindemann reported that the website is operating well with its new host and there have not been any problems.

Dennis reported that he had purchased a cabinet for the Chapter's Library books and that it was ready to be assembled after the meeting.

Dennis and Sterling led a discussion that led to the election of Chapter Officers for 2009. The Officers are:

The discussion related to Chapter Officers brought up the need for a Program Chairman. Several concepts were discussed but all require more involvement by the membership to coordinateor speakers and demonstrations for more interesting meetings. Our guest, Ron Raff volunteered to be the Program Chairman.

Jay Scheevel gave a very interesting talk on some of the work he is doing on his Q2 aircraft project. The discussed how he measures airfoil incidence on the two wings, his Jabiru engine, and measuring wing loading and inflight center-of-gravity by means of strain gages on the wing spars.

Pizzas were ordered for lunch and the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM


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