The meeting was called to order at 11:20 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford. The December meeting was held at the Golden Corral restaurant in Grand Junction.
A Christmas Card for Darryl and Alice Monroe was circulated for signatures. Darryl is not doing well and is under heavy pain medication.
Steve Lindemann passed out certificates to thank the ground crew volunteers for the Young Eagles Days.
Dennis and Sterling passed out the yearly EAA plaques and pins for the Chapter officers. Dennis reminded the members that he and Sterling have been doing the President and Vice President duties for 4 years now and that some new blood was needed in 2009.
Dennis and Sterling pointed out a couple of recent articles in the Free Press. The first was an article on Deanna Strand and her new job at Gateway resort. The second article was about a GJ couplke who have an original Molt Taylor Aerocar for sale on ebay. Starting bid is $3.5 M.
The new EAA calendars are available for $10. See Ray, Dennis or Sterling. Also, Chapter dues for 2009 ($20) can now be paid to Ray.
The January meeting is tentatively planned for Dag's Hanger at GJT.
The meeting was adjourned for lunch at 11:45 AM
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