The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM in Dag's hangar by the President, Dennis Crawford.
The minutes from the 20 September 2008 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer reported that we had a balance in our account of $1303 after paying Dag $286 for use of his website for two years to host the EAA 800 website. Also, the cost of $135. was paid for two EAA 800 Banners.
Dennis introduced several guests:
Dennis reported that although Steve Lindemann was absent from the meeting, the EAA 800 website had been successfully transferred to Jay Scheevel's company computer. The only cost will be $9 a year for the domain registration fee. It was pointed out that the Member's page does not appear to be Password protected any longer. Steve will be asked to check this out.
Dennis thanked all those who helped with the Grand Junction Airshow. A sign up list for Young Eagles was collected at the Airshow and a YE day is tentatively planned for Nov 1st at 10 AM. An email will be sent out soliciting pilots for this date. In conjunction with the YE day, Kurt Cornum proposed a 'Bald Eagles Day' that would fly some of our more 'mature' members who may not have had a chance to fly in some of the Chapter member's airplanes. We would have to check on insurance requirements with EAA.
The Christmas luncheon and meeting will be 20 December 2008 at the Golden Corral in Grand Junction at 11:15 AM.
It is time to order the EAA calendars for 2009. After discussing pricing, it was agreed that we should order 25 calendars at a cost of $7.50 each.
Marge Guziak reported that Alice Monroe told her that they had bought an RV and were planning a trip to MN for a month.
Bob Caskey discussed aircraft Survival Kits that he has designed and manufactured. He agreed to give a short talk on these kits at the next meeting in November.
The next meeting will be 15 November at Dag's hangar.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 AM for hot dogs and hamburgers.
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