
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 Aug 2008

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dennis Crawford, at 10:15 AM in Dag's hangar. The minutes from the July meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we had $1,779 in our account. He stated that we get a $10 rebate from EAA for each new Chapter member. Sterling noted that we only received $35 total from flying the teachers in July. Discussion followed about whether next time we should provide them with a "suggested amount" for a donation. The pilots who flew the teachers had been contacted and no one request reimbursement for fuel.

Sterling commented that he had paid the $10 incorporation fee for our non-profit corporation.

There were no guests at this meeting.

Sterling asked if any members had attended Linda Hartter's auction. Several members commented that they had heard it was a success. Dennis said we should consider sending Linda a card.

Steve Lindemann said he was considering another source for our web page host and that Dag had been paying the fees for our current web page setup. After some discussion, it was decided that we should reimburse Dag for the past amount he has paid and find out what the current costs are so that we can pay that in the future. Steve will work that with Dag and have a proposal at the next meeting.

Sterling said that we can get a suitable bookcase for the Chapter book collection for $78. The members approved purchasing the bookcase and Nancy has agreed to help catalog the book collection.

Kim Woynowskie discussed the upcoming Grand Junction Airshow in September.

The October meeting may be held at Crawford in conjunction with the Montrose Chapter. It may be the second weekend in October.

Dennis asked members to consider volunteering for Chapter Officer positions for next year.

Any members who have suggestions for a location for our Christmas luncheon should contact Dennis or Sterling. The Dragon Treasure in Fruita was suggested, but it was unknown if they have a meeting room.

Don Coleman discussed his trip to Oshkosh last month. He covered a variety of topics including: LSA's, Antique aircraft, V jets, RV's, UL's and more.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM for Hamburgers and Hotdogs.


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