
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 Jul 2008

The meeting, held in Dag's hangar, was called to order at 10:10 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford. The minutes from last month's meeting were read and approved. Sterling noted that an addendum should be included that referenced that a telephonic meeting was held among the Chapter officers during the week of 14 July that approved the Chapter's participation in the program to fly local area teachers to provide an introduction to General Aviation. The flying was conducted at GJT using five aircraft/pilots prior to the Chapter's meeting.

The Treasurer reported that our balance is $1706 plus any donations from the teachers that were flown today.

Several guests were introduced:

Dennis and Sterling discussed the Chapter's participation in the Grand Junction Airshow scheduled for 26-28 September 2008. The Chapter will have a booth and display of several Chapter member's airplanes.

Sterling announced that Linda Hartter will have an Auction on 9 August for all of Denny's tools. Don Coleman has made a list of the airplane related tools that are available. This list is available from Sterling or Don Coleman. Linda wanted the EAA Chapter members to have first chance at the aviation related items.

Dennis passed out copies of Van's Aircraft Newsletter that is available on line.

Dennis reminded members of the upcoming election of new Chapter officers in December and asked that people consider serving in one of the four positions.

Sterling introduced Dr Robert Rigg who gave an interesting talk about his 20+ years working for the FAA in Alaska and current issues related to aviation medicine.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM for hamburgers and hot dogs.


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