
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 Jun 2008

The meeting was called to order by Dennis Crawford at 10:20 AM in Ron Arnett's hangar in Clifton. Ron has an AN-2 Biplane that the members were invited to inspect.

The minutes from the May meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that there was $1572 in our account. This does not include the donations obtained at the Young Eagles Day.

Dennis Crawford introduced the guests:

Sterling reported that Don Hamilton is on a feeding tube and not doing well. He also commented that Lenny Hartter's funeral was well attended and a nice service. Several Chapter members were in attendance.

Steve Lindemann reported that the Young Eagles day went well. Twenty-one kids were flown by five pilots/airplanes. It was noted that the EAA Log Book shows that Jim Grady has flown 121 YE's to date.

The Grand Junction Airshow is scheduled for 26-28 September 2008. Member's are needed to display their airplanes. Tentatively, the following members have indicated they can display their airplanes: Bob Trumpfheller, Graham Meyer, Spencer Bergner and Mike Stolle.

Ron Arnett talked about his AN-2 discussing its history, production, performance, safety record, uses, and his first few flights at Mack Mesa Airport.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM for lunch and time for people to look at the AN-2.


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