The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM in Dag's Hanger. The minutes from the May 19th 2008 meeting were read and approved.
An article in the May issue of Sport Aviation on Ed Woynowskie written by Marge Guziak was discussed. Marge will contact the local papers to see if she can do something similar with them.
Sterling introduced several returning members: Don Hamilton and Lane and Syndi Jochums were present.
Sterling reported that Darryl Monroe was getting better, but that both his airplanes were for sale. Also, Lenny Hartter is not improving and is on some serious pain medication. Lenny's Bearhawk is for sale as well.
Steve Lindemann discussed the Yound Eagles day planned for May 31st at 0800 AM. Both airplanes/pilots and ground crew volunteers are needed. Contact Steve if you can help. Sterling will contact the Montrose Chapter to see if they can also participate.
Steve also reported that there have not been any new changes to the website, but that the Montrose Chapter website is linked to ours.
Dennis thanked Bill Marvel for his interesting talk at the April meeting on ferrying light aircraft around the world.
The Grand Junction Airshow in September was discussed. The Chapter will have an area to display airplanes and members who would like to show their airplanes should contact Dennis or Sterling. The Montrose Chapter will be contacted to see if they would like to join us. The old EAA 800 banner will need to be located or a new one made.
Sterling announced that he is now flight instructing with Colorado Flight Center part time.
Members discussed their projects and some of their recent trips. Graham Meyer visited the Soaring museum in Moriarty, New Mexico and Bob Trumpfheller flew his RV-7 to Gateway, CO.
Don Coleman showed a DVD on flying the TBM Avenger. The airplane shown is similar to the one the CAF has in Grand Junction.
The next meeting will be on June 21st. The meeting is tentatively planned for Clifton to see an AN 2 project. Further details will be posted on the website as plans are firmed up.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM for hot dogs and hamburgers.
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