The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM in Dag's Hanger by Dennis Crawford. The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer reported that the Balance in our account was still the same as last month at $1699. The Treasurer's report was approved.
A membership roster put together by Karla Miller was handed out to those in attendance. This information is no longer on the website and is available only to Chapter members.
Guests were introduced: Ed Woynowskie's grandson, Brian Miller. Norm Pace, a friend of Bill Marvel's who is relocating to the area from Florida.
Sterling reported that Lenny Hartter is in Hospice now. Sterling and Dennis will check with Linda and see if there is anything that we can do for them. Lenny's Bearhawk is now for sale. Lenny's tools will also be for sale soon.
Sterling also reported that Darryl Monroe is doing better after getting treatment for a broken leg. He had metal rods put in both his legs. Beverly Kibler said that she saw him yesterday and he was doing better than the week before.
Steve Lindemann reported that the website was doing well and there were no new changes.
Steve also discussed the next Young Eagles day that is tentatively scheduled for May 31st. Several schools were mentioned that have expressed an interest: Holy Family and Plateau Valley. Volunteers will be needed for both flyers and ground crews. The issue of flying Boy Scouts was discussed and it was agreeded that it would be easier to do them as a NON-Boy Scout sanctioned event to preclude the long lead time and their extensive paper work.
Dennis thanked Jeff Buchanan for letting us use his hanger for last month's meeting and Karla Miller for doing the spreadsheet for our member roster.
If any memebrs (or their spouses) need name tags, let Dennis know as soon as you can.
Members discussed their airplanes and/or projects. Both Graham Meyer and Bob Trumpfheller are EAA Technical Counselors now. Bob announced that the Montrose Chapter will have their next meeting in Graham's hanger at Delta on May 3rd at 10:00 AM.
Bob announced that the Montrose Chapter now has a website:
Dennis introduced Bill Marvel who gave an excellent presentation and slide show on ferrying light aircraft all over the world. Bill's solo trip flying a Bonanza from Wichita to South Africa was especially interesting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM followed by a BBQ lunch.
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