
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
19 Jan 2008

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford in Dag's Hangar at GJT.

An attendance sign in roster was circulated.

The minutes from the December 2007 meeting were read and approved.

An EAA certificate was presented to Dag Adamson for his work as our Young Eagles Coordinator for 2007.

The Treasurer's report stated that the Chapter has $1492.94 after paying the yearly Chapter dues and insurance. Dues for 2008 ($20) are due to Ray as soon as possible.

There are still about 8 EAA 2008 calendars for sale at $10 each.......see Sterling if you are interested.

Sterling introduced the following guests:

Steve Lindemann reported that he has made some changes to the website, mainly in the menus. Members are encouraged to give him feedback on the changes.

Dennis thanked the Chapter officers for continuing in their posts for 2008.

An EAA calendar for Lenny Hartter is being circulated for the members to sign. Lenny has been very ill, compounded by a recent fall at home.

Sterling introduced Colin and Marisa Fay from Colorado Flight Center. They arrange and guide flying tours from GJT to various sights around the US, Alaska and Mexico. They gave a very informative briefing of some of their previous and upcoming tours. Many of their tours are centered around the National Parks. They discussed the rules and procedures for flying around and within the parks and other noise sensitive areas. Their website is www.ColoradoFlightCenter.com and they can be reached at (970) 260-6547.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM and lunch was served.


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