The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM in Dag's Hangar by President Dennis Crawford.
The minutes from the October meeting at Crawford were not available to be read, but the major points were reviewed.
Dennis commented that the Young Eagles day on October 20th went very well and that 12 YE's were flown along with several adults. Thanks to Steve Lindemann, Don Coleman and Jim Grady for flying that day. The next YE day will be in the Spring time.
Ray reported that we have $1887.19 in our account and that dues are due in January ($20). Dennis stated that we would like to provide gas money for our guest speakers who flew their Glasair III to GJT from Albuquerque. Mike Stolle will find out from the Marker's what would be a reasonable amount to cover their trip.
Randy Owen was introduced. Randy is a member but has not attended meetings for some time.
Sterling announced that the EAA calendars are available for those who ordered them for $10.
Sterling also recently visited the Carter Copter facility in Wichita Falls, Texas and will show some pictures if time permits.
Steve Lindemann reported that he has moved the meeting pictures to a separate page to speed up the download of our Home webpage.
Dennis commented that EAA is a little slow this year with the certificates for the Chapter officers and that they will probably not be available at the Dec meeting.
The Christmas Party and Dec meeting will be held on 9 December, from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Dragon Treasure in Fruita. It is on the South side of I70 just past the Shell Station. UPDATE: The Christmas Party date is actually the 15th of December (same times)
Dennis still needs good airplane pictures for our Chapter Completion Board. He had some ornaments to pass out that featured sevral of the members recently completed aircraft.
Bob Trumpfheller and Graham Meyer each took second place in their respective categories at Copperstate. Congratulations to them both. Bob and Graham talked about their trip down and back and the activities they were able to participate in there.
Mike and Jan Marker from Los Lunas, New Mexico gave an outstanding presentation on their 7 homebuilt aircraft and how they have used them in conjunction with their motorhome to photograph some very interesting scenery in the Southwest United States. Several members requested to get copies of some of the photos on a DVD. Mike has agreed to to do this if we can let him know how many copies to make.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM and hamburgers and hot dogs were served.
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