
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
18 August 2007

The meeting was called to order in Dag's Hanger at 10:25 AM. A sign up list was circulated with instructions to update any new information.

The minutes from the 21 July meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer's report stated that we had $1902 in our account.

Gary Lance was introduced as a visitor. He flies a C-172 and was a past Vice President of EAA 800.

Sterling reported that the Memorial Service for Dr. Ralph Kibler went very well. Becky Tolby gave a short discussion of the timeline leading up to Ralph's death and noted that he was extremely happy to get home from the hospital and to hear from his aviation friends.

The next combined meeting with the Montrose Chapter is being planned for 13 October 2007 at Crawford. The format will be similar to last years meeting and include a tour of aircraft projects and a BBQ. Plans should be more concrete by the time of the September meeting.

Steve Lindemann reported that he had not yet checked the web site for the number of "hits", but that he will have that information by the September meeting.

Jessica McMullin, the Glenwood Springs Airport Manager contacted us about participating in a 22 September Fly-In/Open House. They would also like to do a Young Eagle's day in conjunction with that. Sterling will check whether that date is next month or 2008.

Sterling is trying to get the owners of Colorado Flight Center to speak at our November meeting. They arrange flying caravan tours and have one going to Mexico soon.

Dennis asked that members who have completed homebuilt airplanes get him a photo to be used for their completion plaques and the Chapter Completion Board. Please do this as soon as possible.

Sterling noted that Dag's RV-8 is here and that Dag does not have time to do the Young Eagles coordination anymore. Steve Lindemann volunteered to take over those duties and Sterling will help him. Sterling also noted that Dag's Commanche is being purchased by Monument Aircraft and additional partners are being sought.

Nominations for Chapter officers is coming up soon. Dennis asked members to consider serving and noted that the election will take place at the December meeting. New people with fresh ideas are certainly encouraged to run. Dennis will check out a few new places as candidates for the December luncheon meeting. Several members suggested a Chinese Buffet.

Bob Trumpfheller and Graham Meyer gave a brief discussion of the Delta Open House on 4 August. They also described the new hangars that are being built there. There were about 8 airplanes on display.

Graham and Bob also discussed their recent trip to Oshkosh. They talked about all that there was to see and do. Even after a week there, they didn't see everything.

Jim Grady talked about his recent trip to New Hamphshire and all the great places they stopped at on the way there and back.

The September meeting will be held in Dag's Hanger on 15 September at 10:00 AM.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM and hamburgers and hot dogs were grilled.


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