
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 July 2007

The meeting was called to order at 10:25 AM in Dag's Hanger. The minutes from the June meeting were read and approved.

Sterling told the attendees that Doctor Ralph Kibler had passed away early that morning, but that he had no word on funeral/service arrangements yet. Sterling will put out an email to EAA 800 members when plans are available. A card was available for the members to sign that will be taken to Beverly

Steve Lindemann was asked if there was a way to track "hits" on our website. Steve explained that our website was hosted on Yahoo and there probably was a way to do that. Steve will also investigate the best way to provide the Montrose Chapter's newsletter on our website.......either include it verbatim or have a link.

Sterling noted that last month's speaker was Rex Tibbets, the GJT airport manager. He gave an informative talk at the June meeting.

Dennis asked that members who have completed homebuilt airplanes get him a photo to be used for their completion plaque and the Chapter Completion Board.

Sterling announced that Dag doesn't have time to arrange the Young Eagle flights anymore and another volunteer is needed. Dag would have some time to help the new YE coordinator get up to speed with the duties. If you are interested, contact Sterling or Dennis.

Sterling also noted that Dag's Commanche is still for sale and wondered if several member might want to form a partnership and purchase it. Contact Sterling if you are interested. Current price for the airplane is $49,900.

There was a discussion concerning an Open House at Delta Airport on 4 August. There was a possibility to have a combined meeting at this event with Montrose. However, because of the advertising that will be done for the Open House, we'd need special insurance on the order of $300 if we participated as a Chapter. It was decided NOT to participate as a Chapter, but members are encouraged to attend individually. Sterling will call Montrose and tell them of this decision.

August 3-4th is the Airshow at Rifle. EAA 800 was sent an invitation.

Sterling will try to arrange for the Colorado Flight Center to speak at our October meeting. They arrange flying caravan trips for pilots and also have a flight school.

Clarissa Webb gave an informative presentation on what she did at the EAA Academy in Oshkosh this summer. She went over their day-to-day activities, showed pictures, and had several wing ribs to view that she built while there. She ended her presentation by thanking the EAA 800 members for the opportunity to attend.

The next meeting with the Montrose Chapter will probably be October. Our next meeting will be 18 August.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am and Subway sandwiches were served for lunch.


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