
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
7 April 2007

The meeting was held at Blake Field in Delta, Colorado at Smiley Aviation's Hangar. This was a joint meeting with the Montrose Chapter. Approximately 80 people were in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM.

An attendance roster was circulated with a request to update any new information.

Both Chapter Presidents emphasized the need to write your Legislators (Congressman and Senators)concerning the FAA proposal on User Fees. Both EAA and AOPA have suggested information for letters on their websites. In addition to individual letters, Chapter Presidents will write letters on behalf of their Chapters with signature pages of the members attached. Signature pages were set out for members to sign after the meeting. It was suggested that regular mail be used instead of email to provide more emphasis.

Several guests were introduced. One will become a member of EAA 800.......his name is Todd Skitter from Rifle. Todd has a Husky A-1A .

Ideas were discussed for next month's meeting. It was decided that it will be held at Glade Park airstrip on May 12th in conjunction with the Montrose Chapter again. There will a breakfast available between 8AM and 10PM. The meeting will take place after the breakfast.

Graham Meyer had flown his Tail Wind's maiden flight and gave interested individuals a tour of the airplane and answered questions.

Dennis handed out an EAA 800 name tag for Clarissa Webb with a promise that an EAA 800 T Shirt was forthcoming. It will be patterned after the shirt that the Montrose Chapter displayed for their EAA Academy attendee.

Sterling reviewed the Spot Landing Contest Rules for any participants and instructed them to be the first in the lunch line.

There will probably be a Crawford Fly-In meeting in late September or October. More to come on that.

On Saturday, 14 April, 1 PM, a 96th birthday celebration will be held for Ed Woynowskie at Coffee Muggers on Main Street. All are invited.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM followed by a BBQ lunch and a "tire kicking" session on the ramp.


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