The meeting was called to order at 10:25 AM in Dag's Hangar at GJT.
Mike Stolle read the minutes from the 20 January 2007 Meeting.
Sterling introduced Spence Bergner who is a mechanic, IA, DAR and has extensive experience with helicopters and jet engines as well.
Also introduced was Chris Phillips from Mesa, CO. Chris has both helicopter and fixed wing experience and is thinking about building a Kolb.
Dennis introduced Clarissa Webb and her Mother Carnella. EAA 800 is sponsoring Clarissa to the EAA Air Academy this summer. Clarissa told us that she is a 7th grader at Fruita Middle School, is in CAP, and wants to be a fighter pilot when she grows up. Dennis commented that we have not received any confirmation from EAA on her attendance and that he was going to call them. Dennis discussed some fundraising activities that Clarissa can participate in including selling concessions on Young Eagles days, hangar clean ups, and airplane and car washes. Several locations for airplane washes were discussed including the CAF hangar at GJT and at Delta Airport. It was suggested that we could combine a spot landing contest at Delta Airport with an airplane wash.
Dennis pointed out that Jeff Buchanan is also a Technical Advisor for EAA.
The Treasurer's Report stated that we had $1784 in the account plus about $150 in recently colllected dues.
Dennis reviewed suggestions that were submitted as a result of the paper he handed out at January's meeting soliciting ideas for future EAA 800 meetings. Ideas that were submitted included:
Sterling discussed the "" website that has a lot of on line courses including GPS use, IFR Pilot, Weather, Runway Safety and more.
Dennis stated that our insurance was paid for the year and he has the new certificate.
Dennis had two examples of name tags that we can get for EAA 800 members. One had a pin clasp and the other a magnetic attach strip. After discussion and examing the sample tags it was decided to get members name tags with the "EAA logo" and "EAA 800" in blue on a white background. Dennis will use the EAA 800 Roster for names. Several members ( Bev and Ralph Kibler, Ray Guziak) stated they already had EAA name tags and didn't need a new one. Pin clasps will be ordered for everyone except Chris Phillips and Spence Bergner.
Dennis discussed "Airplane Completion Plaques" for members who have built their own airplane. In addition to individual (6" X 8") plaques, EAA 800 will have a master board with small engravings for each airplane completion. Dennis will talk with Bob Tofsrud about helping us with the large master plaque board. Dennis will try and get a sample plaque to bring to the March meeting.
Dennis discussed a presentation at the CAF Hangar at 7 PM on 20 Feb 2007, by Dr Rigg and Dr Campbell who are senior AME's. They will discuss the important issues related to the Airman Medical examination.
Steve Lindemann discussed the website and that he had taken out the Member Roster to protect member's personal information. After a discussion of the pros and cons of having the Member's information on the web site, it was decided that it would not be contained on the website but that hard copy rosters would be periodically mailed to the members.
Sterling discussed the FAA's recent "Tour Rule" that will effect our Young Eagles flights. More to come on this subject.
The next meeting will be held on 17 March 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PM.
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